Required Reading List

This page is designed to feature 16+ suggested sights with annotations for readers who are interested in learning more about the topics presented within my class blog, such as recycling, overpopulation consequences, overpopulation consequences in other countries, ways to reduce waste just to name a few categories. Other blogs covering the same topics can be found under my blog list section on the right side of the blog.

Cooper, Tim. "Challenging the ‘refuse revolution’: war, waste and the rediscovery of recycling, 1900–50." Historical Research 81.214 (2008): 710-731. Historical Abstracts. EBSCO. Web. 2 Feb. 2011.
The purpose of this text is to prove that war times helped to shape a more responsible method of waste disposal, recycling while proving that some countries were very resistant to moving away from a “throwaway culture.” This article is lengthy and I would not recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The intended audience for this piece is anyone that is interested in a brief history of recycling which could include but is not limited to environmental groups, high schoolers or college students doing research about recycling or about the 1950s. The article is focused on topics such as hygiene, the introduction of green technologies, scarcity of resources, “the need to preserve both valuable shipping space and foreign currency reserves,” and conflicts within waste management. This text is special in the fact that it focuses from 1900 through 1950. The text doesn’t have any hyperlinks within the piece but Cooper seems very credible because he lists his countless sources throughout the piece. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between the scarcity of resources during a time of war and why recycling was first becoming important.

Tiersky, Ronald. "The Strategic Significance of Europe's Demographic Deficit." American Foreign Policy Interests 26.4 (2004): 329-340. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Feb. 2011.
The purpose of this text is to illustrate “the political, social, and economic effects of Europe’s demographic deficit and its implications for maintaining Europe’s geostrategic influence” compared to the United States. The article is 13 pages and while I consider that lengthy, others may not so I advise the audience to make the correct judgment for his/herself. The intended audience is anyone who has an interest in economic, political, and environmental aspects of Europe verses the United States. The article is special because it gives specific references to certain areas in Europe while comparing them to other places in Europe and other regions and countries. This text does not have any hyperlinks but shows the author’s vast research and knowledge of the subject matter. This piece could be considered part of a fact sheet because he gives statistical data. The relevance of this piece to my coursework would be to show the problems with overpopulation in specific cases internationally.

Nei, Guo. "Living Standards Slump as Resources Run Out." WVU Libraries: EZProxy. 10 July 2002. Web. 03 Feb. 2011.
The purpose of this text is to discuss the consequences of the rapid population growth in the future if actions are not taken. This piece is only 467 words so it is easily readable by anyone. The intended audience is anyone that is concerned about the consequences of overpopulation in general or if they have specific needs for the information to be about China. The article is special because it gives detailed statistics about the decline of resources and how it will effect the human’s quality of life. This text does not have any hyperlinks but I would consider this somewhat a fact sheet because of the in depth statistics. The relevance of this piece to my coursework is that it allows the audience to get statistics and to see how other countries are informing their citizens about overpopulation and the consequences for the future if we continue down this destructive path.

Kermond, Clare. "Expert Warns of Overpopulation Threat." WVU Libraries: EZProxy. 9 Dec. 1996. Web. 03 Feb. 2011.
The purpose of this text is to discuss the consequences of overpopulation in the future if actions aren’t taken. This piece is around three paragraphs so it is easily readable by anyone. The intended audience is anyone that is concerned about the consequences of overpopulation in general or if they have specific needs for the information to be about Australia and it’s wildlife. The article is special because it could be used for good quotes. For example, environmentalist Professor David Bellamy reported that “once you're overpeopled and there's not enough space for animals. You either totally do away with animals or you have to do something about it. By early next year [2007], 6000 species of vertebrate animals would be extinct except for those in zoos.” The text does not have any hyperlinks. The relevance of this piece to my coursework is that it allows the audience to see how Australia is taking action by getting the word and concerns out about the consequences of overpopulation if we continue down this destructive path.

"Loss of Wetlands." Pacific Island Travel. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. .

The purpose of this text is to prove that many of the world’s wetlands are rapidly disappearing. This main article is not lengthy in the least and I would recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The article is focused on topics such as why wetlands are important, the reasons for the decline of wetlands, global problems that wetlands are facing, and if there should be governmental control over wetlands, like state parks. This text is special in the fact that it focuses on not just wetlands. At the top of the page there are other important and interesting links such as national parks, air pollution, wildlife destruction, etc. The text does have hyperlinks within the piece. I am not sure of the credibility of this piece because although the unnamed author lists what seems to be very strong, influential facts, the sources of these facts are not given nor any publication information so reader beware. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between the loss of wetlands and overpopulation and why these consequences will affect the future health of the planet.

"Why Choose Cloth Diapers? Real Diaper Association Diaper Facts." The Only Way to Change Diapers Is One Baby at a Time. Real Diaper Association. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. .

The purpose of this text is to persuade parents that using cloth diapers is healthier that using disposable for a baby and the planet. This main article is not lengthy in the least and I would recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The article is focused on topics such as why disposable diapers are bad for a baby and the planet, the reasons why parents should choose cloth diapers, the cost of both disposable and cloth methods, and the health risks associated with both. This text is special because it focuses on just child disposable and cloth diapers and does not get into the adult diaper debate. The text does have hyperlinks within the piece such as a printable version of facts for parents. This text seems very credible because they list various sources though out the piece as well as offer more information for the reader through links such as pamphlets and a cloth diaper resource center. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between the health of a baby and the planet at the same time and why disposable diapers will lead to serious consequences that will affect the future health of the planet.

Shrode, Flora. "Environmental Resources: Websites and Books." Electronic Green Journal 1.29 (2010): 1-16. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Feb. 2011.

The purpose of this text is to inform people about the environmental resources websites and books that are available for the reader to gain more valuable information about a certain topic. This main article is lengthy and I would not recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read but it is a good source if you know exactly what you are searching for. The article is focused on topics such as wildlife protection, environmental happenings such as climate change, international websites dealing with various issues, nonprofit and research organizations and many others. This text is special because it focuses on broad issues that all relate to other issues as well. The text does have hyperlinks within the piece for every subheading. This text seems very credible because of it’s length and how the author lists page upon page of various sources though out the piece. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between the health of a baby and the planet at the same time and why disposable diapers will lead to serious consequences that will affect the future health of the planet.

Harrington, Robert F. "Unlimited population rise on limited planet is untenable." CCPA Monitor 16.2 (2009): 44-45. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Feb. 2011.

The purpose of this text is to inform the reader that the “total world population, now at 6.7 billion, is rising by 75 million a year. Today’s economic problems will remain unsolvable as long as the illusion is maintained that Earth can support an infinite number of people.” This main article isn’t lengthy and I would recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read because it is only three pages. The article is focused on topics such as pervious issues with overpopulation, current problems with overpopulation, why overpopulation is a problem, how modern society is to blame for overpopulation because of the advancement of technology and medicine and others. This text is special because it focuses on statistics and the major problems while telling the reader what can be done to help make the situation better. This text seems credible because it is from a monthly research magazine. This text will allow the audience to understand that overpopulation of people and animals is becoming a serious consequence for the health and well being of the planet.

Greenway, A. Environmental Permitting Handbook. Blacklick, OH, USA: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 2000.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide readers with a simple way to access various types of environmental information quickly. This journal is lengthy if you are considering the length as a whole but the articles are easy to find because of a table of contents and an index. The article is focused on topics such as air quality, water quality, hazardous materials transportation, pollution prevention, environmental impact statements, etc. This text is special in the fact that it focuses on a wide range of topics but each is easily accessible through various chapters and sub headings. The text does have hyperlinks within the piece to every chapter and different section. It also has a search bar at the top that will allow the reader to search for more specific key words rapidly. The credibility of this piece is very credible because it is an Environmental Permitting Handbook published by a respected scholarly publisher, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between the loss of wetlands and overpopulation and why these consequences will affect the future health of the planet.

"The 2010 Arctic Report Card." Air Pollution Consultant 21.2 (2011): 1.1-1.4. Business Source Premier. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.

This text “is a collection of reports by an international team of 69 researchers that tracks recent environmental changes throughout the Arctic.” This article is not lengthy in the least and I would recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read because it is only five pages. The report card focuses on topics such as atmosphere, sea ice, ocean temperatures, land temperatures, happens with Greenland, and rapid environmental changes. All of the above topics suggest that humans are causing some consequences to them. This text is special in the fact that it breaks down the previously mentioned topics into very detailed sections to help the reader navigate and understand easier. It is also special because it is a second Issue of the 21st Volume of the Air Pollution Consultant scholarly journals. The text does have a hyperlink within the piece and it is to direct you to the site. The credibility of this piece is very credible because this journal gets it’s funded research from The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). This text will allow the audience to make a connection between climate change and overpopulation and why these consequences will affect the future health of the planet.

"ENVIRONMENTAL POLUTION ; Study Results from University of Chile Broaden Understanding of Environmental Polution." Biotech Business Week April 4 2011: 86.

The purpose of this newsletter is to that “the Chilean Altiplano ecosystem is conserved free from contaminants and pollutants because of the absence of major local human activities such as agriculture or other industries.” This main article is not lengthy in the least and I would recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read because it is only 397 words. However, this text contains a great deal of advanced terminology so it may not be the best resource for every reader. The article is focused on topics such as effects pollution has on cell proliferation, immunohistochemistry, research that is being done in Chile and other parts of the world, etc. This text is special in the fact that it’s part of an extensive newsletter that was published in the “Environmental Science and Pollution Research (The effect of paraoxon on spermatogenesis in Dugesia gonocephala from the Chilean Altiplano: proliferation and apoptosis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011;18(3):497-502).” The text does have hyperlinks within the piece. I believe that this source is very credible because it was published in a n environmental science and pollution research newsletter. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between overpopulation and how overpopulation causes pollution because of human activities and why these consequences will affect the future health of the planet.

Neacşu, Gabriela, and Octav Neguriţă. "EFFECTS OF AIR POLUTION UPON HUMAN HEALTH IN CONSTANTA COUNTY IN THE PERIOD 2003-2008." Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on the Advancement of Scholarly Research in Science, Economics, Law & Culture (2010): 135-144. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.

The purpose of this text is to show the “effects of air pollution upon human health in Constanta County,” Romania between 2003 and 2008. This main article is somewhat lengthy because the article is 11 pages long, but a vast majority of the pages are composed of different graphs. I would recommend this article to someone who is looking for certain effects of air pollution in a certain area within a given time period. The article is focused on topics such as pollution caused by humans, the consequences of the pollution, etc. This text is special in the fact that it has numerous graphs and charts of the data that was collected in Constanta County. The text does not have hyperlinks within the piece. I believe this text is very credible because it was published in the “4th World Congress on the Advancement of Scholarly Research in Science, Economics, Law & Culture.” This text will allow the audience to make a connection pollution and overpopulation and why these consequences will affect the future health of the planet.

Chris Wilcox, et al. "Using Expert Opinion Surveys to Rank Threats to Endangered Species: A Case Study with Sea Turtles Donlan et al. Using Expert Opinion to Rank Endangered Species." Conservation Biology 24.6 (2010): 1586-1595. Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide. EBSCO. Web. 21 Apr. 2011.
The purpose of this text is to prove that endangered species are growing at an alarming rate. This article is very specific because it involves a case study involving sea turtles. The article is focused on topics such as regional hazards to animals, “conservation planning, expert bias, expert elicitation, prioritization, species recovery, threat assessment,” etc. This article is slightly lengthy and I would not recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The intended audience for this piece is anyone that is interested in learning more about sea turtles and how humans have caused them to become endangered. This piece may be more advanced for some because of the advanced terms but I believe that the majority of readers would be able to adapt easily. This text is special in the fact that it has both English and Spanish text as well as different graphs and charts explaining the problem. The text doesn’t have any hyperlinks within the piece but Wilcox seems very credible because he lists his countless sources throughout the piece. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between how and why people are causing seen and unseen damage to wildlife, and in this case, sea turtles.

Kylin, H., H. Bouwman, and S. W. Evans. "Evaluating threats to an endangered species by proxy: air pollution as threat to the blue swallow (Hirundo atrocaerulea) in South Africa." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18.2 (2011): 282-290. CAB Abstracts 1990-Present. EBSCO. Web. 23 Apr. 2011.
The purpose of this text is to show that there is a connection between air pollution and endangered species. This article talks specifically about the blue swallow in South Africa. The article is focused on topics such as “air pollution, altitude, endangered species, humidity, introduced species, habitat, sulfonates, sulfur dioxide, ultraviolet radiation, wild animals, wild birds, wildlife conservation,” etc. This article is lengthy and I would not recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The intended audience for this piece is a more advanced and invested reader who is interested in how humans are effecting animals throughout the world. This text is special in the fact that it is focused on a specific species in a specific habitat. The text has numerous hyperlinks within the piece as well as charts, graphs, and maps. The author seems very credible because he lists his countless sources throughout the piece. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between consequences caused by humans and how these consequences are affecting wildlife.

Shirey, Patrick D., and Gary A. Lamberti. "Assisted colonization under the U.S. Endangered Species Act." Conservation Letters 3.1 (2010): 45-52. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Apr. 2011.

The purpose of this text is to prove that “assisted colonization could help prevent the extinction of threatened and endangered species by intentionally moving a species to a region where it has not occurred in the recent past, but should survive under future climate scenarios.” The article is focused on topics such as assisted migration, climate change, Endangered Species Act, endangered species policy, experimental population provision, etc. This article is lengthy and I would not recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The intended audience for this piece is anyone that is interested in the methods that biological sciences are taking to sustain species for the future. This text is special in the fact that it has a map and chart to help readers better understand the various territory ranges for these animals. The text doesn’t have any hyperlinks within the piece but the authors seem very credible because they list countless sources throughout the piece. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between what people have done to cause these species to become endangered and how proactive steps are now being taken to help save the species.

Sterli, Juliana. "Phylogenetic relationships among extinct and extant turtles: the position of Pleurodira and the effects of the fossils on rooting crown-group turtles." Contributions to Zoology 79.3 (2010): 93-105. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Apr. 2011.

The purpose of this text is to show that “the position of Pleurodira and the effects of the fossils on rooting crown-group turtles.” The article is focused on topics such as evolution of sea turtles, phylogeny, extinct animals, radiation, biodiversity, etc. This article is lengthy and I would not recommend this article to someone who is looking for a quick, easy read. The intended audience for this piece is a more advanced reader who is concerned about why some species went extinct and how to prevent others from becoming extinct. The terminology within this piece is very advanced. This text is special in the fact that it has various charts and graphs helping to explain the problem to the reader. The text doesn’t have any hyperlinks within the piece the writer seems very credible because he lists his countless sources throughout the piece. This text will allow the audience to make a connection between past actions that people have done to cause extinction of some species and how they can make the future more species friendly.